February 06, 2009

Featured Shop

Chalice Hill Herbals
Since this is the first featured shop post, I'm featuring my own shop, Chalice Hill Herbals. I create lotions, soaps, sachets, herbal teas, aromatherapy products and more using natural ingredients. Herbs fascinate me because they are nature's medicine cabinet. There is something aesthetically pleasing and satisfying about discovering and using the power of herbs in a world that can be so artificial and disconnected.

Behind the Name
The name Chalice Hill Herbals refers to a hill in England. As the legend goes, Joseph of Arimathea took the holy grail after Jesus' death and buried it in this hill. At the bottom of the hill emerged a spring of healing waters that collected in a well called Chalice Well. Today many tourists travel to the well to experience its holiness. To me this story symbolizes the importance of connecting with nature to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

The Products
Before I make a product, I research all the ingredients. I try to use natural ingredients before synthetic ones because they have a life force in them that I believe works synergistically with our bodies. Nothing is added for filler. All ingredients are in there for a reason! Quality is rule one for me.

I love making herbal teas because they I can make so many different combinations of teas which taste so good and actually have an effect on my body (calming, uplifting, fortifying etc.) How cool is that?

Visit Chalice Hill Herbals

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1 comment:

  1. Checked out your Etsy shop and marked it for future reference. Look like wonderful products! I am just getting into using herbal items myself.
